
Dynamic summer heat protection in differing solar incidence (Halls, Facades, Roofs) whilst retaining visual contact with the outside by means of colour design.

  • Completely maintenance free, dust free solar control.
  • Sufficient daylight from diffuse and direct radiation without glare.
  • Protection of privacy with good vision control from outside (public rooms, foyer, entrances).
  • Options available Honeycomb Fabric and Aluminum slat.

Unique Features

NBT Insulating glass is completely maintenance free. The protected installation in the cavity of the insulation glass permanently avoids soilong of the louvres - cleaning of the glass surface is therefore no more onerous than normal.

Upto 49% of heat is lost in winter and 87% is gained in summer by our windows. NBT integral blind counter the effect of bright sunlight by duffusing natural light and creating soft, uniform and glare-free environment. This improves a room's year round functionality and avoids an over-reliance on air conditional costs and increasing occupant productivity and health.

Product Applications


Partition in between room and bathroom.


View the sky from your room.